Airport & Eurostar Transfers
The care starts the moment the students arrive at the airport or train station. Before leaving for the UK, we give parents and students detailed information about how they will get from the airport or train station to Brooke House. This includes:
- The name and telephone number of the driver
- An exact meeting point (easy directions and clear photographs are available below)
- Emergency contact numbers and instructions for students
Please click on the links below to see what your child should do and where they will need to go when they arrive. It would be a good idea for you to print out this information and give it your child, as well as the transfer confirmation that we send.
The person collecting your child will be holding a Brooke House Summer School sign so please tell your child to look for that. The sign will also have the name of your child on it and will look like the example in the meeting instructions below.
When they arrive, the students are driven or taken by train directly to Brooke House College by the driver. They will be met there by a member of staff. Students are given the opportunity to telephone their parents as soon as they arrive at the college.
To book your airport transfer, please contact us at [email protected].
Airport & Eurostar Meeting Instructions
Birmingham Airport Meeting Instructions | PDF | 966KB
East Midlands Airport Meeting Instructions | PDF | 563KB
Gatwick Airport
North Terminal Meeting Instructions | PDF | 1MB
South Terminal Meeting Instructions | PDF | 1.1MB
Heathrow Airport
Terminal 2 Meeting Instructions | PDF | 997KB
Terminal 3 Meeting Instructions | PDF | 1011KB
Terminal 4 Meeting Instructions | PDF | 928KB
Terminal 5 Meeting Instructions | PDF | 1013KB
Luton Airport Meeting Instructions | PDF | 972KB
Market Harborough Train Station
Trains from London Meeting Instructions | PDF | 956KB
Trains from The North Meeting Instructions | PDF | 937KB
Stansted Airport Meeting Instructions | PDF | 1000KB
St Pancras Train Station Meeting Instructions | PDF | 726KB
London Heathrow Airport (all terminals) | £400.00 |
London Stansted Airport | £350.00 |
Luton Airport | £320.00 |
London Gatwick Airport | £480.00 |
Birmingham Airport | £250.00 |
East Midlands Airport | £220.00 |
Manchester Airport | £480.00 |
London St Pancras Train Station (Eurostar) | £400.00 |
Central London | £400.00 |
Market Harborough Train Station | £10.00 |
Prices are per vehicle, except Eurostar which is per person.
*Brooke House are happy to quote for transfers from other UK airports, sea ports and railway stations.
An extra charge of £50.00 will be applied where a student is registered on an unaccompanied minor service. This charge covers the requirement of airline policies that a member of college staff (or their representative) remain at the airport until the flight has taken off.
Market Harborough is very easy to get to by air or rail and many of the UK's biggest airports are less than two hours away:
East Midlands Airport | 50 minutes |
Birmingham Airport | 50 minutes |
St Pancras Train Station (Eurostar) | 1 hour |
London Luton Airport | 1 hour 30 minutes |
London Stansted Airport | 1 hour 45 minutes |
London Heathrow Airport | 2 hours |
London Gatwick Airport | 2 hours 30 minutes |