Academic Year Sept 2024 - June 2025
College Enrolments
3 Terms (Full Fees) | Per Term | |
All Courses, Boarding Students | £42,900.00 | £14,300.00 |
All Courses, Day Students | £22,470.00 | £7,490.00 |
Football Academy Enrolments
3 Terms (Full Fees) | Per Term | |
All Courses, Boarding Students | £45,570.00 | £15,190.00 |
All Courses, Day Students | £26,850.00 | £8,950.00 |
Additional Fees
Deposit | £6,000.00 |
Registration Fee | £400.00 |
Please note: For boarding students the fee is inclusive of accommodation, meals & tuition. Day students may partake of meals Monday to Friday.
VAT Charges Announcement - August 2024
Parents working with HM Tri-forces should contact the college for further information on fees.
Academic Year Sept 2025 - June 2026
College Enrolments
3 Terms (Full Fees) | Per Term | |
All Courses, Boarding Students | £41,985 + VAT | £13,995 + VAT |
All Courses, Day Students | £21,735 + VAT | £7,245 + VAT |
Football Academy Enrolments
3 Terms (Full Fees) | Per Term | |
All Courses, Boarding Students | £44,085 + VAT | £14,695 + VAT |
All Courses, Day Students | £25,935 + VAT | £8,645 + VAT |
Additional Fees
Deposit | £7,000.00 |
Registration Fee | £500.00 + VAT |
Payment of Fees - If Fees are paid Termly and Half Yearly
Please note: For boarding students the fee is inclusive of accommodation, meals & tuition. Day students may partake of meals Monday to Friday.
College fee invoices will be sent to the Fee Payer by electronic communication. It is the responsibility of the Fee Payer to update the College if their contact details change. If an initial communication with the Fee Payer is not responded to in the event of late payment, the College management reserve the right to discuss outstanding payments with the student(s) affected.
All fees are due for payment in GBP. We regret we cannot accept payment in other currencies. To avoid possible losses caused by variation in the rate of exchange, cheques and transfers must be made in pounds sterling. Please note that the College will not be responsible for bank charges incurred in the transfer of fees. Where these are not paid at the time of issue they will be added to the next student account invoice.
- By UK Bank Transfer or International Transfer to the following account*: Virgin Money, 3 Eastgate, Leicester, LE1 5YA.
- Account Name: Brooke House College Limited
- Account Number: 29681762
- Sort Code: 05-05-60
- IBAN: GB42 YORK 050560 29681762
- BIC: YORK GB21560
*A payment reference must be provided by the Fee Payer so that the College can identify funds on safe arrival into our account. The reference must be the student’s full name written in English.
When making the payment, inputting the IBAN or the SWIFT/BIC code may produce results such as ‘Clydesdale Bank’ or ‘Yorkshire Bank’ instead of ‘Virgin’ – all/any of these are correct
- By sterling cheque, please make cheques payable to Brooke House College.
- By debit or credit card: Please register your customer details with our preferred partner ‘Flywire’ and follow the guide within the video below. Customer payments will be transferred to their customer account at Brooke House College with our pre-installed integration tools. The Flywire demonstration video is available for your viewing here.
- For UK students a standing order option may be available. Please contact the Chief Operating Officer to discuss payment via this method.
Fees are normally reviewed annually during the Autumn Term for implementation the following September, but the Directors reserve the right to alter the fees as necessary to reflect changing circumstances, and will give as much notice as possible.
Please refer to Section 9 in the college’s full Terms & Conditions.
Please refer to Section 9 in the college’s full Terms & Conditions.
These will be charged retrospectively with regular termly or half-yearly invoices and will include: Text books, examination fees, UCAS application fees, co-curricular excursions and activities, Football Academy tours and excursions, stationery, lost keys, extra tutorials, damages caused by students and extra cleaning that may be required to rooms vacated by students.
The Enrolment Deposit cannot be used by the student to pay for personal expenses or cover shortfall in fees. The Enrolment Deposit cannot be refunded until the final account has been settled in full. Only once a student’s account has been fully settled will any remaining deposit funds be returned to the student or Fee Payer, as applicable, within 42 days after the end of the student’s course of studies. Advice will be sought from the Fee Payer as to the account details to be credited.
Parents should ensure that adequate insurance is arranged to cover all the personal belongings of their child on their Household Effects Insurance or the College can arrange and the termly amount added to the bill (Please advise the Admission Office if you wish to ‘opt in’ for this insurance). Fee Payers should be aware that College fees do not include private medical insurance.
The College regrets that it cannot extend credit or loan money to students. Pocket money can be given to a student provided this is lodged with the College in advance. It is not necessary for students to have their own bank account but if parents would like them to have an account, the College can assist using Lloyds Bank.